Over the past several months, Virgil and I have been working on a book that takes on what we’ve taken to calling “the modern malaise”: a cultural illness that spreads like a coronavirus along the hyper-infectious nodes of social media and radicalizes us into the New Right or the Woke Left.
There are endless takes on this pandemic, of which we are all painfully aware. Virgil and I take René Girard’s mimetic theory as the general vantage point from which to analyze it. Virgil brings his longstanding familiarity with many of the cultural trends discussed, and I bring to bear about four years of obsessively reading Girard and writing essays on his thoughts (as well as my own experience in the underbelly of social media).
The book is in the discussion format (highly edited), which I hope will make you feel part of an entertaining conversation. We are aiming for two posts per week, so we’re done with the whole book in about a month and a half. These texts will be available to free subscribers…